Expedition 308 synthesis: overpressure, consolidation, and slope stability on the continental slope of the Gulf of Mexico
Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 308 quantified the coupling between sedimentation, consolidation, overpressure, fluid flow, and slope instability in continental...

PROCEEDINGS OF THEOCEAN DRILLING PROGRAMVolume 194, Initial Reports: Constraining Miocene Sea Level Change from CarbonatePlatform Evolution, Marion Plateau, Northeast Australia
Estimating the amplitude and timing of past eustatic sea level changes is essential both for the establishment of an accurate...

Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, Volume 308: Gulf of Mexico Hydrogeology
Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 308 is the first stage of a two-component program dedicated to the study of...

Dolomitization of Lower Cretaceous peritidal cabonates by modified seawater: constraints from clumped isotope paleothermometry, elemental chemistry and strontium isotopes
This study investigates one of the few examples of dolomitization of Lower Cretaceous shallow-water limestones from the southern Tethys carbonate...

Data report: late Miocene to early Pliocene coccolithophore and foraminiferal preservation at Site U1338 from scanning electron microscopy
The late Miocene to early Pliocene carbonate-rich sediments recovered at Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Site U1338 during the Expedition...

Geostatistical Modelling of Cyclic and Rhythmic Facies Architectures
A Pluri-Gaussian method is developed for facies variables in three dimensions to model vertical cyclicity related to facies ordering and...

Data report: X-ray analyses of bulk sediment in IODP Holes U1320A and U1324B, northern Gulf of Mexico
We present the results of 276 X-ray diffraction analyses of bulk sediment from Brazos-Trinity IV (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program [IODP]...

Do more with less: Exploring semi-supervised learning for geological image classification
Labelled datasets within geoscience can often be small, with data acquisition both costly and challenging, and their interpretation and downstream...

Earth Observation with Artificial Intelligence
Earth Observation (EO) involves the collection and analysis of data about the Earth’s physical, chemical, and biological systems using remote...

Reefs and Carbonates
Reefs are shallow water areas where carbonate producers such as corals, coraline algae and halimeda, live. They are one of...