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Marta Marchegiano(Postdoc, 2019-2021)

“I did my first postdoc at John lab where I learnt about the clumped isotope technique. Cédric is a very thoughtful and knowledgeable supervisor, he always took the time to teaching me about this exciting thermometer. Thanks to his enthusiasm I became very passionate about carbonate geochemistry and this experience was an important stepping stone for my future career. “

CoNuS: Concurrent Numerical Simulations

CoNuS stands for "Concurrent Numerical Simulations", but the name also refers to conus sp, a genus of predatory sea snails (hence the CoNuS logo). CoNuS is a generic library for numerical stepwise modelling, and it is written in Scala. CoNuS is part of the Carbonate Shells numerical toolset, and it is currently experimental software, with active testing and coding in progress within Cédric John's research group at Imperial College London. This means that code written using CoNuS is susceptible to break in future releases as the API is not fully stable yet.