Software and Data

Code and Software

Over the years, our research has led to a range of code and software available to use without a fee. The only requirement to use or modify our software is to cite the associated publication, and refer back to the initial code in the GitHub repository.

The two main GitHub repositories where our code is located are Cédric John’s personal repository and the John Lab Research repository. Follow us there if you want up-to-date info about our software.

CoNuS: Concurrent Numerical Simulations

CoNuS stands for “Concurrent Numerical Simulations”, but the name also refers to conus…

Transfer Learning for Geological Images

Description This is the repository for the code in Dawson…

Easotope: Clumped Isotopes made easy

Easotope: Clumped Isotopes made Easy Easotope is free software written…

Picta: A graphing library for the Scala Programming language

Picta: A graphing library for the Scala Programming language Picta…

CNN’s for carbonate classification

Name:Kanagandran 2018: CNN’s for carbonate classificationWritten in:PythonGitHub repo: 2018

NBTA: The Notebook Teaching Assistant

NBTA: The Notebook Teaching Assistant NBTA is Python code to…


Easotools Easotools helps you take raw data out of Easotope,…

Available Datasets

Most of our datasets are available straight from within the publication document. Check our research papers section to identify the data you are intetested in, access the journal, and download the data in the attachement.