Complete Publication’s List
You will find below a complete list of our publications. To date, we have published 117 peer-reviewed articles, books, or book chapters. The publications are sorted in descending order of publication, and a linked DOI will bring you straight to the publisher page.
Mamode, H, Hampson, G, John, CM, 2025, Do More With Less: Exploring Semi-Supervised Learning for Geological Image Classification, Applied Computing and Geosciences, Volume 25; []
▼ 2025 ▼
Deo, R, John, CM, Zhang, C, Whitton, K, Salles, T, and Chandra, JMWAR, 2024, Deepdive: Leveraging Pre-trained Deep Learning for Deep-Sea ROV Biota Identification in the Great Barrier Reef. Scientific Data volume 11, Article number: 957; []
▼ 2024 ▼
Dawson, LH, and John CM, 2024, Object Detection Algorithms To Identify Skeletal Components In Carbonate Cores. Marine and Petroleum Geology 167: 106965; []
El-Yamani, SM, John, CM, and Bell R, 2024, Mechanism Of Island Dolostones Formation In The Cretaceous Calcitic Ocean: Insights From The Mid-Pacific Guyots. Marine and Petroleum Geology 163: 106741; []
Platt, R, Arcucci, R, and John, CM, 2024, Noise2Noise Denoising Of CRISM Hyperspectral Data, ICLR 2024 ML4RS Workshop; []
Klein , F, Schroeder T, John CM, Davis S, Humphris SE, Seewald JS, Sichel S, Bach W, and Brunelli D, 2024, Mineral Carbonation Of Peridotite Fueled By Magmatic Degassing And Melt Impregnation In An Oceanic Transform Fault. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121, no. 8: e2315662121; []
Holdsworth , CM, John, CM, Snæbjörnsdóttir, S, Johnson, G, Sigfússon, B, Leslie, R, Haszeldine, R, and Gilfillan, S, 2024, Reconstructing The Temperature And Origin Of CO2 Mineralisation In CarbFix Calcite Using Clumped, Carbon And Oxygen Isotopes. Applied Geochemistry, 105925; []
Adlan, Q, Kaczmarek, SE, John, CM, 2023, Clumped Isotope Reordering and Kinetic Differences in Co-Hosted Calcite and Dolomite Minerals throughout Burial Diagenesis and Exhumation, Minerals, v.13. issue 12; []
▼ 2023 ▼
Ali, MY, John, CM, and Johnson, HD, 2023, Diagenesis of the Central Luconia Carbonate Platforms: The Roles of Early Dolomitization and Late Hydrothermal Fluids in Enhancing Deep Reservoir Properties. In: Cenozoic Isolated Carbonate Platforms—Focus Southeast Asia, Rankey, EC and Pöppelreiter, MC (editors), pp 268–96. SEPM (Society for Sedimentary Geology); []
Adlan, Q, John, CM, 2023, Clumped isotope record of individual limestone fabrics: A potential method to constrain the timing of oil migration, Chemical Geology, 616, 121245; [ .]
Herlambang, A, John, CM, 2023, Fluid flow evolution revealed by carbonate clumped isotope thermometry along the fractures in a complex salt dome setting: Study case (Jebel Madar, Oman), Marine and Petroleum Geology 152, 106220; [ .]
Herlambang, A, John, CM, Drake, H, 2023, Physicochemical Conditions of the Devonian-Jurassic Continental Deep Biosphere Tracked by Carbonate Clumped Isotope Temperatures of Granite-Hosted Carbonate Veins, Geofluids; []
Dawson, HL, Dubrule, O, John, CM, 2023, Impact of dataset size and convolutional neural network architecture on transfer learning for carbonate rock classification, Computers & Geosciences; []
Nathwani, CL, Wilkinson, JJ, Brownscombe, W, John, CM, 2023, Mineral texture classification using deep convolutional neural networks: An application to zircons from porphyry copper deposits, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth,128,2; [ .]
Holdsworth, C, MacDonald, J, John, CM, 2022, Non-Linear Clumped Isotopes from DIC Endmember Mixing and Kinetic Isotope Fractionation in High pH Anthropogenic Tufa, Minerals, Volume 12, Issue 12; [ .]
▼ 2022 ▼
Al-Wazzan, HA, Hawie, N, John, CM, 2022, Predicting marine organic-rich deposits using forward stratigraphic modelling: The Jurassic Najmah source rock–Case study, Marine and Petroleum Geology, Volume 140, 105581; []
Ho, SL, Wang, JK, Lin, YL, Lin, CR, Lee, CW, Hsu, CH Chang, LY, Wu, TH, Tseng, CC, Wu, HJ, John, CM, Oji, T, Liu, TK, Chen, WS, Li, P, Fang, JN, Lin, JP, 2022, Changing surface ocean circulation caused the local demise of echinoid Scaphechinus mirabilis in Taiwan during the Pleistocene–Holocene transition, Scientific reports, 12, 1, 1-9; []
Garfi, G, John, CM, Rücker, M, Lin, Q, Spurin, C, Berg, S, Krevor, S, 2022, Determination of the spatial distribution of wetting in the pore networks of rocks, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 613, 786-795; [ .]
El‐Yamani, MS, John, CM, Bell, RB, 2022, Stratigraphic evolution and karstification of a Cretaceous Mid‐Pacific atoll (Resolution Guyot) resolved from core‐log‐seismic integration and comparison with modern and ancient examples, Basin Research, 34, 5, 1536-1566; []
Sun, X, Gomez‐Rivas, E, David Cruset, Alcalde, J, Muñoz‐López, D, Cantarero, I, Martín‐Martín, JD, John, CM, Travé, A, 2022, Origin and distribution of calcite cements in a folded fluvial succession: The Puig‐reig anticline (south‐eastern Pyrenees), Sedimentology. Volume 69, Issue 5; []
Marchegiano, M, John, CM, 2022, Disentangling the Impact of Global and Regional Climate Changes During the Middle Eocene in the Hampshire Basin: New Insights From Carbonate Clumped Isotopes and Ostracod Assemblages, Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, Volume 37, Issue 2, e2021PA004299; [ .]
Wevill, J, Bromhead, A, Evans, K, Yarus, J, John, CM, 2022, Chapter 2 - Relative performance of support vector machine, decision trees, and random forest classifiers for predicting production success in US unconventional shale plays, In: Advances in Subsurface Data Analytics: Traditional and Physics-Based Machine Learning, Bhattacharya, S and Haibin, D (editors), Elsevier, ISBN: 978-0-12-822295-9; []
Robinson, AS, Dale, A, Adatte, T, John, CM, 2022, Cenozoic sediment bypass versus Laramide exhumation and erosion of the Eagle Ford Group: Perspective from modelling of organic and inorganic proxy data (Maverick Basin, Texas, USA), Geology 50(7):817-821; [ .]
Cruset, D, Vergés, J, Benedicto, A, Gomez‐Rivas, E, Cantarero, I, John, CM, Travé,A, 2021, Multiple fluid flow events from salt‐related rifting to basin inversion (Upper Pedraforca thrust sheet, SE Pyrenees), Basin Research, 33, 6, pp. 3102-3136; [ .]
▼ 2021 ▼
Davies, AJ, Davis, S, John, CM, 2021, Evidence of taxonomic non-equilibrium effects in the clumped isotope composition of modern cephalopod carbonate, Chemical Geology, 578, 120317; [ .]
Cai, C, Li, K, Liu, D, John, CM, Wang, D, Fu,B, Fakhraee, M, He, H, Feng, L, Jiang, L, 2021, Anaerobic oxidation of methane by Mn oxides in sulfate-poor environments, Geology, 49, 7, 761-766; []
Bernasconi, SM, Daëron, M, Bergmann, KD, Bonifacie, M, Meckler, AN, Affek, HP, Anderson, N, Bajnai, D, Barkan, E, Beverly, E, Blamart, D, Burgener, L, Calmels, D, Chaduteau, C, Clog, M, Davidheiser‐Kroll, B, *Davies, A, Dux, F, Eiler, J, Elliott, B, Fetrow, AC, Fiebig, J, Goldberg, S, Hermoso, M, Huntington, KW, Hyland, E, Ingalls, M, Jaggi, M, John, CM, Jost, AB, Katz, A, Kelson, J, *Kluge, Ilja T, Kocken, J, Laskar, A, Leutert, TJ, Liang, D, Lucarelli, J, Mackey, TJ, Mangenot, X, Meinicke, N, Modestou, SE, Müller, IA, Murray, S, Neary, Am Packard, N, Passey, BH, Pelletier,E, Petersen,S, Piasecki, A, Schauer, A, Snell, KE, Swart, PK, Tripati, A, Upadhyay,D, Vennemann, T, Winkelstern, I, Yarian, D, Yoshida, N, Zhang, N, Ziegler, M, 2021, InterCarb: A community effort to improve interlaboratory standardization of the carbonate clumped isotope thermometer using carbonate standards, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 22, 5, e2020GC009588; []
Anderson, NT, Kelson, JR, Kele, S, Daëron, M, Bonifacie, M, Horita, J, Mackey, TJ, John, CM, *Kluge, T, Petschnig,P, Jost, AB, Huntington, KW, Bernasconi, SM, Bergmann, KD, 2021, A unified clumped isotope thermometer calibration (0.5–1,100 C) using carbonate‐based standardization, Geophysical Research Letters, 48, 7, e2020GL092069; [ .]
John, CM, Kussanov, I, Hawie, N, 2021, Constraining stratal architecture and pressure barriers in the subsalt Karachaganak Carboniferous carbonate platforms using forward stratigraphic modelling, Marine and Petroleum Geology, V. 124, 104771; []
Herlambang, A, John, CM, 2021, Combining clumped isotope and trace element analysis to constrain potential kinetic effects in calcite, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, V. 296, pp 117-130; []
Muñoz-López, D, Alías, G, Cruset, D, Cantarero, I, John CM, Travé, A, 2020, Influence of basement rocks on fluid evolution during multiphase deformation: the example of the Estamariu thrust in the Pyrenean Axial Zone, Solid Earth, 11, 6, 2257-2281; []
▼ 2020 ▼
Cruset, D, Cantarero, I, Benedicto, A, John, CM, Verges, J, Albert, R, Gerdes, A,Travé, A. 2020, From hydroplastic to brittle deformation: Controls on fluid flow in fold and thrust belts. Insights from the Lower Pedraforca thrust sheet (SE Pyrenees), Marine and Petroleum Geology, Vol 120; []
Muñoz-López, D, Cruset, D, Cantarero, I, Benedicto, A, John, CM, Travé, A, 2020, Fluid Dynamics in a Thrust Fault Inferred from Petrology and Geochemistry of Calcite Veins: An Example from the Southern Pyrenees, Geofluids, Volume 2020, Article ID 8815729; []
Beaudoin, NE, Labeur, A, Lacombe, O, Koehn, D, Billi, A, Hoareau, G, Boyce, A, John, CM, Marchegiano, M, Roberts, NK, Millar, IN, Claverie, F, Pecheyran, C, Callot, JP, 2020, Regional-scale paleofluid system across the Tuscan Nappe–Umbria–Marche Apennine Ridge (northern Apennines) as revealed by mesostructural and isotopic analyses of stylolite–vein networks, Solid Earth, 11, 1617–1641, ; []
Cruset, D, Ibanez-Insa, J, Cantarero, I, John, CM, Travé, A,2020, Significance of fracture-filling rose-like calcite crystal clusters in the SE Pyrenees, Minerals, 10(6), 522; []
Garfi, G, John, CM, Qingyang, L, Berg, S, Krevor, S, 2020. Fluid surface coverage showing the controls of rock mineralogy on the wetting state, Geophysical Research Letters, Volume 47, Issue 8; [ .]
Adlan, Q, Davies, AJ, John, CM, 2020. Effects of oxygen plasma ashing treatment on carbonate clumped isotopes, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, Volume 34, Issue 14; [ .]
Lukoczki, G, Haas, J, Gregg, JM, Machel, H, Kele, S, John, CM, 2020. Early dolomitization and partial burial recrystallization: a case study of Middle Triassic peritidal dolomites in the Villány Hills (SW hungary) using petrography, carbon, oxygen, strontium and clumped isotope data, International Journal of Earth Sciences, 109, 1051-1070; []
Le Blevec, T, Dubrule, O, John, CM, Hampson, GJ, 2020. Geostatistical Earth modeling of cyclic depositional facies and diagenesis, AAPG Bulletin, v. 104 (3):711-734; []
Tagliavento, M, John, CM, Anderskouv, K, Stemmerik, L, 2020, Towards a new understanding of the genesis of chalk: Diagenetic origin of micarbs confirmed by clumped isotope analysis, Sedimentology, Volume 68, Issue 2; []
Garfi, G, John, CM, Berg, S, Krevor, S, 2020. The sensitivity of estimates of multiphase fluid and solid properties of porous rocks to image processing, Transport in Porous Media, 131 (3), pp 985-1005, ; []
Cruset, D, Cantarero, I, Benedicto, A, John, CM, Vergés, J, Albert, R, Gerdes,A, Travé, A, 2020, Geochronological and geochemical data from fracture-filling calcites from the Lower Pedraforca thrust sheet (SE Pyrenees), Data in Brief, vol 31, 105896; []
Tagliavento, M, John, CM, Stemmerik, L, 2019. Tropical temperature in the Maastrichtian Danish Basin: Data from coccolith Δ47 and δ18O, Geology, Volume 47, Issue 11, pp 1074-1078; []
▼ 2019 ▼
Petersen, SV, Defliese, WF, Saenger, C, Daëron, M, Huntington, KW, John, CM, Kelson, JR, Bernasconi, SM, Coleman, AS, Kluge, T, Olack, GA, Schauer, AJ, Bajnai, D, Bonifacie, M, Breitenback, SFM, Fiebig, J, Fernandez, AB, Henkes, GA, Hodell, D, Katz, A, Kele, S, Lohmann, KC, Passey, BH, Peral, MY, Petrizzo, DA, Rosenheim, BE, Tripati, A, Venturelli, R, Young, ED, Winkelstern, IZ, 2019. Effects of Improved 17O correction on inter-laboratory agreement in clumped isotope calibrations, estimates of mineral specific offsets, and temperature dependence of acid digestion fractionation, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, Volume 20, Issue 7, pp 3495-3519; []
JM MacDonald, JW Faithfull, NMW Roberts, AJ Davies, CM Holdsworth, M Newton, S Williamson, A Boyce, CM John, 2019, Clumped-isotope palaeothermometry and LA-ICP-MS U–Pb dating of lava-pile hydrothermal calcite veins, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 174, 7, 1-15; []
McDougall, K, John, CM, 2019. Benthic foraminiferal biotic events related to the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum along the California margin, Marine Micropaleontology, Volume 150, 101745; []
Veillard, CJ, John, CM, Krevor, S, Najorka, J, 2019. Rock-buffered recrystallization of Marion Plateau dolomites at low temperature evidenced by clumped isotope thermometry and X-Ray diffraction analysis, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Volume 252, pp 190-212; []
Lukoczki, G, Haas, J, Gregg, JM, Machel, H, Kele, S, John, CM, 2019. Multi-phase dolomitization and recrystallization of Middle Triassic shallow marine-peritidal carbonates from the Mecsek Mts. (SW Hungary), as inferred from petrography, carbon, oxygen, strontium and clumped isotope data, Marine and Petroleum Geology, Volume 101, pp 440-458; []
Nardini, N, Muñoz-López, D, †Cruset, D, Cantarero, I, Martín-Martín, JD, Benedicto, A, Gomez-Rivas, E, John, CM, Travé, A, 2019. From Early Contraction to Post-Folding Fluid Evolution in the Frontal Part of the Bóixols Thrust Sheet (Southern Pyrenees) as Revealed by the Texture and Geochemistry of Calcite Cements, Minerals, 9(2), 117; []
Davies, AJ, John, CM, 2019. The clumped (13C-18O) isotope composition of echinoid calcite: further evidence for "vital effects" in the clumped isotope proxy, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Volume 245, pp 172-189; []
Al Salmi, M, John, CM, Hawie, N, 2019. Quantitative controls on the regional geometries and heterogeneities of the Rayda to Shu'aiba formations (Northern Oman) using forward stratigraphic modelling, Marine and Petroleum Geology, Volume 99, pp 45-60; [ .]
Cruset, D, Travé, A, Cantarero, I, John, CM, Vergés, J, Muñoz-López, D, Travé, A, 2018, Changes in fluid regime in syn-orogenic sediments during the growth of the South Pyrenean fold and thrust belt, Global and Planetary Change, Volume 171, pages 207-224; []
▼ 2018 ▼
Hirani, J, Bastesen, E, Boyce, A, Corbet, H, Gawthorpe, R, Hollis, C, John, CM, Robertson, H, Rotevatn, A, Whitaker, F, 2018. Controls on the formation of stratabound dolostone bodies, Hammam Faraun Fault block, Gulf of Suez, Sedimentology, Volume 65, Issue 6; []
John, CM, Khan, SB, 2018. Mental health in the field, Nature Geosciences, Volume 11, pp 618-620; []
Lu, YC, Song, SR, Taguchi, S, Wang, PL, Yeh, EC, Lin, YJ, MacDonald, J, John, CM, 2018. Evolution of hot fluids in the Chingshui geothermal field inferred from crystal morphology and geochemical vein data, Geothermics, Volume 74, pp 305-318; []
Kluge, T, John, CM, Boch, R., Kele, S, 2018. Assessment of factors controlling clumped isotope and δ18O values of hydrothermal vent calcites, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, Volume 19, Issue 6; []
Le Blevec, T, Dubrule, O, John, CM, Hampson, G, 2018. Geostatistical modelling of cyclic and rythmic facies architecture, Mathematical Geosciences, V. 50, Issue 6, pp 609-637; []
Beckert, J, Vandeginste, V, McKean, TJ, Alroichdi, A, John, CM, 2018. Ground-based hyperspectral imaging as a tool to identify different carbonate phases in natural cliffs, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 39:12, pp 4088-4114; []
Drury, AJ, Lee, GP, Gray, WR, Lyle, M, Westerhold, T, Shevenell, AE, John, CM, 2018. Deciphering the state of the late Miocene to early Pliocene equatorial Pacific, Geothermics, Volume 74, pp 305-318; []
Honlet, R, Gasparrini, M, Muchez, P, Swennen, R, John, CM, 2018. A new approach to geobarometry by combining fluid inclusion and clumped isotope thermometry in hydrothermal carbonates, Terra Nova, Volume 30, Issue 3, pp. 199-206; []
MacDonald, JM, John, CM, Girard, JP, 2017. Testing clumped isotopes as a reservoir characterization tool: a comparison with fluid inclusions in a dolomitized sedimentary carbonate reservoir buried to 2-4 km, Geological Society, London, Special Publications, Volume 468, pp 189-202; []
▼ 2017 ▼
Lu,YC, Songa, SR, Wang, PL, Wua,CC, Miic, HS, MacDonald, J, Shena, CC, John, CM, 2017. Magmatic-like fluid source of the Chingshui geothermal field, NE Taiwan evidenced by carbonate clumped-isotope paleothermometry, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, Volume 149, pp 124-133; []
Drury, AJ, Westerhold, T, Frederichs, T, Tian, J, Wilkens, R, Channell, JE., Evans, H, John, CM, Lyle, M, Röhl, U, 2017. Late Miocene climate and time scale reconciliation: Accurate orbital calibration from a deep-sea perspective, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Volume 475, pp 254-266; []
Jacquemyn, C, Jackson, MD, Hampson, GJ, John, CM, Cantrell, DL, Zulke, R, AbuBshait, A, Lindsay, R, Monsen, R, 2017. Geometry, spatial arrangement and origin of carbonate grain-dominated, scoure-fill and event-bed deposits: Late Jurassic Jubaila Formation and Arab-D Member, Saudi Arabia, Sedimentology, Volume 65, Issue 4, pp 1043-1066; []
Davies, A, John, CM, 2017. Reducing contamination parameters for clumped isotope analysis: The effect of lowering Porapak Q trap temperature to below -50˚C, Rapid Communication in Mass Spectrometry, Volume 31m Issue 16, pp 1313-1323; []
Hönig, M, John, CM, Manning, C, 2017. Development of an equatoral carbonate platform across the Triassic-Jurassic boundary and links to global palaeoenvironmental changes (Musandam Peninsula, UAE/Oman), Gondwana Research, Volume 45, pp 100-117; []
Le Blévec, T, Dubrule, O, John, CM, Hampson, G, 2017. Modelling Asymmetrical Facies Successions Using Pluri-Gaussian Simulations, In Geostatistics Valencia 2016 (4 ed., Vol. 19, pp. 59–75). Springer International Publishing.; [ .]
Henry, DG, Watson, JS, John, CM, 2017. Assessing and calibrating the ATR-FTIR approach as a carbonate rocks characterization tool, Sedimentary Geology, Volume 347, pp. 36–52; []
Garcia del real, P, Maher, K, Kluge, T, Bird, DK, Brown, GE, John, CM, 2016. Clumped-isotope thermometry of magnesium carbonates in ultramafic rocks, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Volume 193, pp 222-250; []
▼ 2016 ▼
Cruset, D, Cantarero, I, Travé, A, Vergés, J, John, CM, 2016 Crestal graben fluid evolution during growth of the Puig-reig anticline (South Pyrenean fold and thrust belt), Journal of Geodynamics, Volume 101, pp 30-50; []
Drury, AJ, John, CM, 2016. Exploring the potential of clumped isotope thermometry on coccolith-rich sediments as a sea surface temperature proxy, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, Volume 17, Issue 10; []
John, CM, Bowen, D, 2016. Community software for challenging isotope analysis: First applications of “Easotope” to clumped isotopes, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, Volume 30, pp 2285-2300; []
Beckert, J, Vandeginste, V, John, CM, 2016. Relationship between karstification and burial dolomitization in Permian platform carbonates (Lower Khuff - Oman), Sedimentary Geology 342, pp 165-179; []
Quesnel, B, Boulvais, P, Gautier, P, Cathelineau, M, John, CM, Dierick, M. Agrinier, P, Drouillete, M, 2016. Paired stable isotopes (O, C) and clumped isotope thermometry of magnesite and silica veins in the New Caledonia Peridotite Nappe, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Volume 183, pp 234-249; []
Abbott, SS, John, CM, Fraser, AJ, 2016. Detailed 3-D depositional architecture of Late Jurassic carbonate-anhydrite cycles (Brightling Mine, Weald Basin, UK), Marine and Petroleum Geology, Volume 69, pp 74-93; []
Drury, AJ, John, CM, Shevennel, A, 2016. Evaluating climatic response to external radiative forcing during the late Miocene to early Pliocene: New perspectives from eastern equatorial Pacific (IODP U1338) and North Atlantic (ODP 982), Paleoceanography, 31, pp. 167-184; []
Beckert, J, Vandeginste, V, John, CM, 2015. Exploring the geological features and processes that control the shape and internal fabrics of late diagenetic dolomite bodies (Lower Khuff equivalent - Central Oman Mountains), Marine and Petroleum Geology, Volume 68 Part A, pp 325-340; []
▼ 2015 ▼
Hönig, MR, John, CM, 2015. Sedimentological and isotopic heterogeneities within a Jurassic carbonate ramp (UAE) and implications for reservoirs in the Middle East, Marine and Petroleum Geology, Volume 68, Part A, pp 240-257; []
John, CM, 2015. Burial estimates constrained by clumped isotope paleothermometry: example of the Lower Cretaceous Qishn Formation (Haushi-Huqf High, Oman), In: Armitage, P. J., Butcher, A. R., Churchill, JM, Csoma, AE, Hollis, C, Lander, RH, Omma, JE & Worden, RH (eds), Reservoir Quality of Clastic and Carbonate Rocks: Analysis, Modelling and Prediction. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 435, pp 107-121; []
Kele, S, Breitenback, SFM, Capezzuoli, E, Meckler, NA, Ziegler, M, Millan, IM, Kluge, T, Deak, J, Hanselmann, K, John, CM, Yan, H, Liu, Z, Bernasconi, S, 2015. Temperature dependence of oxygen- and clumped isotope fractionation in carbonates: a study of travertines and tufas in the 6-95˚C temperature range, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. Volume 168, pages 172-192; []
Bradbury, HJ, Vandeginste, V, and John, CM, 2015. Diagenesis of phosphatic hardgrounds in the Monterey Formation: A perspective from bulk and clumped isotope geochemistry, GSA Bulletin, v. 127, no. 9-10, p. 1453-1463; []
Kluge, T, and John, CM, 2015. Effects of brine chemistry and polymorphism on clumped isotopes revealed by laboratory precipitation of mono- and multiphase calcium carbonates, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, volume 160, pp 155-168; []
Ritter, AC, Kluge, T, Berndt, J, Richter, DK, John, CM, Bodin, S, Immenhauser, A, 2015. Application of redox sensitive proxies and carbonate clumped isotopes to Mesozoic and Paleozoic radiaxial fibrous cements, Chemical Geology, Volume 417, pp 306–321; []
Kluge, T, John, CM, Jourdan, AL, Davis, S, Crawshaw, J, 2015. Laboratory calibration of the calcium carbonate clumped isotope thermometer in the 25-250˚C temperature range, Geochmimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Volume 157, pp 213-227; [ .]
Kluge, T, and John, CM, 2015. A simple method for vaterite precipitation for isotopic studies: implications for bulk and clumped isotope analysis, Biogeosciences, volume 12, pp 3289-3299; []
Vandeginste,V, John, CM, Beckert, J, 2015. Diagenetic Geobodies: Fracture-Controlled Burial Dolomite in Outcrops From Northern Oman, SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering, Volume 18, Issue 1, pp 84-91; []
Geske, A, Goldstein, RH, Mavromatis, V, Richter, DK, Buhl, D, *Kluge, T, John, CM, Immenhauser, A, 2015. The magnesium isotope (δ26Mg) signature of dolomites, Geochmimica et Cosmochimica Acta 149, pp 131-151; [ .]
Drury, AJ, Lee, GP, Pennock, GM, and John, CM, 2014. Data report: late Miocene to early Pliocene coccolithophore and foraminiferal preservation at Site U1338 from scanning electron microscopy. In: Pälike, H, Lyle, M, Nishi, H, Raffi, I, Gamage, K, Klaus, A, and the Expedition 320/321 Scientists, Proc. IODP, 320/321: Tokyo (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.); [ .]
▼ 2014 ▼
Vandeginste V, John, CM, Cosgrove, JW, Manning C, 2014. Dimensions, texture-distribution, and geochemical heterogeneities of fracture-related dolomite geobodies hosted in Ediacarian limestones, northern Oman. AAPG Bulletin, v. 98, no. 9, pp. 1789–1809; []
Sena CNH, John CM, Jourdan AL, Vandeginste V, Manning C, 2014. Dolomitization of Lower Cretaceous peritidal cabonates by modified seawater: constraints from clumped isotope paleothermometry, elemental chemistry and strontium isotopes. Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 84(7):552-566; [ .]
Dale A, John CM, Mozley PS, Smalley PC, Muggeridge AH, 2014. Time-capsule concretions: Unlocking burial diagenetic processes in the Mancos Shale using carbonate clumped isotopes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v394:30-37; [ .]
Fitch PJR, Jackson MD, Hampson GJ, John CM, 2014. Interaction of stratigraphic and sedimentological heterogeneities with flow in carbonate ramp reservoirs: impact of fluid properties and production strategy. Petroleum Geoscience, Volume 20(1):7-26; [ .]
Sena, CM, and John, CM, 2013. Impact of dynamic sedimentation on facies heterogeneities in Lower Cretaceous peritidal deposits of central east Oman. Sedimentology, Volume 60(5):1156-1183; []
▼ 2013 ▼
Vandeginste V, John CM, van de Flierdt T, Cosgrove JW, 2013. Linking process, dimension, texture, and geochemistry in dolomite geobodies: A case study from Wadi Mistal (northern Oman). AAPG Bulletin, Volume 97(7):1181-1207; [ .]
Vandeginste V, John CM, Manning C, 2013. Interplay between depositional facies, diagenesis and early fractures in the Early Cretaceous Habshan Formation, Jebel Madar, Oman. Marine and Petroleum Geology, v43:489-503; [ .]
Vandeginste V, John CM, 2013. Diagenetic implications of stylolitizatton in pelagic carbonates, canterbury basin, offshore new zealand. Journal of Sedimentary Research, volume 83(3-4):226-240; []
Flemings, PB, John, CM, and Behrmann, J, 2012. Expedition 308 synthesis: overpressure, consolidation, and slope stability on the continental slope of the Gulf of Mexico. In Flemings, P.B., Behrmann, J.H., John, C.M., and the Expedition 308 Scientists, Proc. IODP, 308: College Station TX (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.); [ .]
▼ 2012 ▼
Vandeginste, V and John, CM, 2012. Influence of climate and dolomite composition on dedolomitization: insights from a multi-proxy study in the central Oman Mountains. Journal of Sedimentary Research, Volume 82(3-4):177-195; [ .]
John CM, Banerjee NR, Longstaffe FJ, Sica C, Law KR, Zachos JC, 2012. Clay assemblage and oxygen isotopic constraints on the weathering response to the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum, east coast of North America. Geology 40(7):591-594; [ .]
John CM, Karner GD, Browning E, Leckie RM, Mateo Z, Carson B, Lowery C, 2011. Timing and magnitude of Miocene eustasy derived from the mixed siliciclastic-carbonate stratigraphic record of the northeastern Australian margin. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Volume 304(3-4):455-467; [ .]
▼ 2011 ▼
John, CM and Adatte, T, 2009. Data report: X-ray analyses of bulk sediment in IODP Holes U1320A and U1324B, northern Gulf of Mexico. In Proceeding of the Ocean Drilling Program, Expedition 308. Editors: Fleming PB, Behrmann JH, John CM. IODP-MI, College Station, TX 2009; [ .]
▼ 2009 ▼
Sluijs A, Brinkhuis H, Crouch EM, John CM, Handley L, Munsterman D, Bohaty SM, Zachos JC, Reichart G-J, Schouten S, et al., 2008. Eustatic variations during the Paleocene-Eocene greenhouse world. Paleoceanography 23(4):18 pages PA4216; []
▼ 2008 ▼
John CM, Bohaty SM, Zachos JC, Sluijs A, Gibbs S, Brinkhuis H, Bralower TJ, 2008. North American continental margin records of the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum: Implications for global carbon and hydrological cycling. Paleoceanography, v. 23(2):20; []
Flemings, PB, Long, H, Dugan, B, Germaine, J, John, CM, Behrmann, JH, Sawyer, D, 2008. Pore pressure penetrometers document high overpressure near the seafloor where multiple submarine landslides have occurred on the continental slope, offshore Louisiana, Gulf of Mexico. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 269 (3-4):309-324; []
Sluijs A, Brinkhuis H, Schouten S, Bohaty SM, John CM, Zachos JC, Reichart G-J, Damste JSS, Crouch EM, Dickens GR, 2007. Environmental precursors to rapid light carbon injection at the Palaeocene/Eocene boundary. Nature 450(7173):1218-U5 20; []
▼ 2007 ▼
Zachos JC, Bohaty SM, John CM, McCarren H, Kelly DC, Nielsen T, 2007. The Palaeocene-Eocene carbon isotope excursion: constraints from individual shell planktonic foraminifer records. 365: 1829-1842. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences; [ .]
Behrmann, JH, Flemings, PB, John, CM, and the IODP Expedition 308 Scientists, 2006, Rapid Sedimentation, Overpressure, and Focused Fluid Flow, Gulf of Mexico Continental Margin, Scientific Drilling, Volume 3, 12–17; []
▼ 2006 ▼
Flemings, PB, Behrmann, JH, John, CM, and the Expedition 308 Scientists, 2006. Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, Volume 308: Gulf of Mexico Hydrogeology. Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc. ; []
John CM, Adatte T, Mutti M, 2006. Regional trends in clay mineral fluxes to the Queensland margin and ties to middle Miocene global cooling. Palaeogeography palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, Volume 233(3-4):204-224; []
Mutti M, John CM, Knoerich A, 2006. Chemostratigraphy in Miocene heterozoan carbonate settings: applications, limitations and perspectives. In Cool-Water Carbonates: Depositional Systems and paleoenvironmental controls. Editors: Pedley HM, Carannante G. 307-322, Geological Society special publications, London; [ .]
Karl B Föllmi, Christophe Badertscher, Eric de Kaenel, Peter Stille, Cédric M John, Thierry Adatte, Philipp Steinmann, 2005, Phosphogenesis and organic-carbon preservation in the Miocene Monterey Formation at Naples Beach, California—The Monterey hypothesis revisited, Geological Society of America Bulletin, 117, 5-6, 589-619; []
▼ 2005 ▼
John CM and Mutti M, 2005. Relative control of paleoceanography, climate, and eustasy over heterozoan carbonates: A perspective from slope sediments of the Marion Plateau (ODP LEG 194). Journal of Sedimentary Research, V. 75(2):216-230; []
John CM, Karner GD, Mutti M, 2004. δ18O and Marion Plateau backstripping: Combining two approaches to constrain late middle Miocene eustatic amplitude. Geology v.32(9):829-832; []
▼ 2004 ▼
John, CM, 2004, Plotting and analyzing data trends in ternary diagrams made easy, EOS, Volume 85, Issue 16, pp 158-158; []
John CM, Mutti M, Adatte T, 2003. Mixed carbonate-siliciclastic record on the North African margin (Malta) - coupling of weathering processes and mid Miocene climate. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 115(2):217-229; [<0217:mcsrot>;2 .]
▼ 2003 ▼
Isern, AR, Anselmetti, FS, Blum, P, and the Leg 194 Scientists (including John, CM), 2002. Constraining Miocene Sea Level Change from Carbonate Platform Evolution, Marion Plateau, Northeastern Australia. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Initial Reports, Volume 194, College Station, TX; [ .]
▼ 2002 ▼
John CM, Follmi KB, De Kaenel E, Adatte T, Steinmann P, Badertscher C, 2002. Carbonaceous and phosphate-rich sediments of the Miocene Monterey Formation at El Capitan State Beach, California, USA. Journal of Sedimentary Research, Volume 72(2):252-267; []