Ground-based hyperspectral imaging as a tool to identify different carbonate phases in natural cliffs
Recent research has shown hyperspectral imaging to be a powerful tool to distinguish carbonate phases with slight compositional differences on quarry cliff faces. The traditional remote sensing set-up uses an optimal short distance between the hyperspectral camera mounted on a tripod and a quarry wall characterized by a planar, mostly unweathered surface. Here we present results of a modified workflow geared to the application of ground-based hyperspectral imaging of rough and weathered cliff faces in order to map large scale dolomite bodies from a distance of up to several kilometres. The goal of the study was to determine unique spectral properties of fracture-controlled dolomite bodies in order to be able to distinguish them from a dolomitic host rock. In addition, the impact of weathering on carbonate phases and thus, the modification of the spectral signature between altered and unaltered carbonates is …