Clumped isotope record of individual limestone fabrics: A potential method to constrain the timing of oil migration
This study applied clumped isotope analyses to investigate how different limestone components (larger skeletal grains and enclosing matrix) and cements may have varying degrees of susceptibility to recrystallization during progressive burial. The results also provide new constraints on the temperatures of recrystallization and cementation, the nature of the waters involved, the timing of the diagenetic events, and the effect of oil emplacement on inhibiting diagenetic processes. We used clumped isotope measurements from core samples in two giant oilfields, together with petrography and well-constrained thermal histories, to study the reactivity of different limestone fabrics and whether the displacement of pore water by oil affected the recrystallization processes. We recognize seafloor micritization, cementation, and recrystallization as distinct diagenetic processes. The results indicate that skeletal grains record …